
The material on the ArtJamie web site is intended for the purpose of general information. The content of our site is updated regularly and as such is subject to change without notification.

The information provided on this website is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for determining the suitability, safety and or condition of any access, facility, vendor, product or service listed. No responsibility is accepted for any information, product or services, which may appear on any linked websites. ArtJamie does not accept any liability for the information or advice (or the use of such) which is provided on this website.

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All website content and without limitation all material contained herein are subject to copyright and are the property of ArtJamie and/or the identified contributors engaged by ArtJamie. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under copyright legislation, no part of this web site may be reproduced, published or adapted in whole or in part for any commercial purpose whatsoever.

When you access the information contained in the web site, you agree to retrieve, download or print out for your personal use only, and cannot modify or copy this information without written permission from identified contributors or ArtJamie. All rights reserved 2005.

Art Jamie