Privacy Statement

ArtJamie understands that privacy is important to you and wants your experience online to be as enjoyable and safe as possible when you use the web site.

ArtJamie complies with the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) in the way that it handles personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how ArtJamie handles your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

We recognise your right to privacy and are committed to protecting it. Therefore, we treat all information, including your personal details, as private and confidential, and we will not disclose this information to other individuals or organisations without the user's knowledge and consent, unless required by law.

None of the information provided to ArtJamie will be released, shown to or shared with any other party without the consent.

Via our website we collect information that you voluntarily provide in order for us to provide services and products that you may request. We may also use the personal information we collect for other business purposes such as to better understand customer service provision, enhance relationships, make appropriate offers, or facilitate third party offers we feel will be of interest to you.

Categories of Information We Collect
Requests for Information

When you request additional information related to our services or properties, we will generally request your name and contact information such as street address, phone number, and email address.

Collection of Information Through Web Technologies
We may automatically track and collect your IP address, domain server, the type of computer and type of web browser you are using and use "cookies" to (i) customize content specific to your interests, (ii) ensure that you do not see the same advertisement repeatedly, and (iii) store your password so you do not have to re-enter it each time you use the sites. Some of the websites linked to this site are operated, hosted and managed by other companies who may also track and collect this information.


Art Jamie